Cause for Celebration: Golden Bean Awards 2024
It is always exciting to get recognized for excellence in your craft, especially on the national stage. We were pleased as punch that Katrina, our Lead Roaster, brought home two medals from the Golden Bean Coffee Roasting Competition this year.
Katrina verifying the authenticity of her awards.
Katrina won two bronze medals this year. Boneshaker, our flagship espresso roast, won in the milk-based category. No surprise there, dear reader, as you are almost certainly familiar with our delightful lattes if you have visited our café. We use Boneshaker in all of our espresso based drinks (unless you order decaf, which is also a big treat) and it is also our best selling retail offering.
Our other win was for the Ethopian Wush Wush we currently have on the shelf. This natural processed coffee is super juicy with a pronounced acidity. Presenting notes of grape soda, red sangria, and plum, it was deservedly awarded a bronze in the pour over/filter category. The Wush Wush is a limited batch single origin offering, so you better grab some while supplies last!
Of course, we love winning awards. It is a privilege to bring you exceptional products on a daily basis. However, the best part of these medals is having an excuse to celebrate Kat. She has put in a massive amount of work since moving over to the roasting team in 2023 to take over the role of Lead Roaster and Director of Coffee. Katrina is more than holding her own in the field and there are great things yet to come. Cheers to you, Kat!